Learning From the Land works to bring sustainability to the heart of the community through individual, group and community action and activism.

We understand sustainability to mean living in a way that causes no damage for future generations of people anywhere – not just in our own backyard. So this means a more equitable world socially, environmentally, economically and politically. It will require us all to partiicpate at home, at work, in our shared social spaces and communities, and on wider stages.

We particularly encourage people within the commercial world to take personal and collective responsibility for their own sustainability and that of their workplace.

Beacuse we are all connected, there is only this one beautful planet and we are the only human race (so far…). Sounds cheesy but it is also a scientific truth that we all need to face together. And that doesn’t have to be bad; it can be a good, joyful, fun way to live.